Our students learn Qigong doing meditation and feel inner Chi with top Chi Kung Chinese masters.
Learn Chi Kung Martial Arts
Chi kung (Qigong in Chinese, and sometimes spelled Qi Gong in English), is an internal kung fu. It is a Chinese martial art that practices philosophy breathing, physical activity, and awareness of mental or spiritual energy. The word Chi in Chinese means breathing, energy and spirit. In Chinese martial arts, the word Gong means power with concentration on achievement. By combining Chi and Gong together, you are describing systems and methods of “energy cultivation” and internal energy within the human body.
Qigong Training
Learning kung fu and using it can reduce stress on the body, develop flexibility, gain energy, develop health, gain strength, and promote health and longevity in life. In ancient texts of Taoist and Buddhist traditions, they regarded Chi Kung as one of the most important parts of their meditative study. Confucian scholars train in Chi kung to improve their moral character. Studying Chi kung is not only for staying healthy, but also closely tied with Chinese martial arts used to increase physical energy. Learn Qigong to develop inner peace and fulfillment in meditation mentally.
We practiced ancient Chi Kung Martial Arts, Ba Duan Jin in the beach park of Japan.
Chi kung training includes four types of training. These four types are dynamic, static, meditative and activities that need external assistance. Dynamic Qigong training requires movement and applies to physical and mental disciplines; Just like Tai Chi Chuan, Xing Yi Chuan, and Ba 1gua. Static study requires the user to keep the body in a certain position. Meditative training works with the circulation of Chi (qi) in the inner body and how you breathe. The main idea of learning Chi Kung is to develop and store Chi. During the study Chi Kung, the students endeavor to improve energy circulation and vitality, which can help them move energy smoothly and freely throughout the whole body to increase the circulation of blood and chi.
The healing energy of Chi Kung is applied to Chinese medical theory by using Chi Kung training for health and well-being, which can increase the circulation of blood and chi in the body, aid in the delivery of oxygen to the cells and stimulate the immune system. In China, the essential healing of Chi Kung is used to relieve back, neck and joint problems.
Come learn Chi Kung at our Shaolin Temple in Japan!